Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Looney Left

You will allways know who are the looney left ,all their verbal resources will be engaged in vilifying the USA . Their heads are filled with Yankee crimes. These straw men stuffed with the huff and puff of their own superior moral worth will strut their stuff like scarecrows in the farmyards of their own safe democracies railing and jabbing their wooden fingers. Will you see them in Tenemen Square or Red Square Moscow bleeting their cliched outrage at human rights abuses? No the looney left have two blind buttons for eyes one for the old comrades and one for the new underdog Islam. Only if a crime is commited by the USA does it get noticed by them. The millions of people oppressed and damaged by despotic regimes in Russia and China are no concern of theirs. They save their rhetoric and outrage for the actions of Uncle Sam. He is an easier target a safer target you can slap his face and the herd of independant mindswill applaude you. Ask them to put their hands in their pockets to help those "oppressed by the USA" or go and lend a hand to those "oppressed by the USA" and you find out that their idea of politic involvement is simply to have an opinion and that opinion is usually not their own but moulded by the left liberal press. It has no practical expression other than a self rightiouse balk. The looney left are not the Maoist or Peoples War or communist parties of India or other developing or developed nations. I respect those activists though I personally do not support violent armed insurrection but democratic means for change. The looney left are soft toys of a capitalist half educate class fed on the fruits of colonial and imperial spoils sat in comfortable armchairs they fill their nappies with bleating for the rights of those they economically oppress. Ask them to offer a part of their own lives to sharing wealth or working towards a more collective vision for mankind and few of them will respond. The Yankee is to blame they have nothing to do but sit on their comfortable backsides and call for "Amerika" to withdraw. The Independant told them so the Guardian was right. But they are actually the anarchist right masquerading in Che Guevara berets at the final carnival run by the deluded west. The posers will scatter and cry foul play and peace brother when the poor finally take to the streets and crush liberal left pantomime.

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