Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Looney Left

You will allways know who are the looney left ,all their verbal resources will be engaged in vilifying the USA . Their heads are filled with Yankee crimes. These straw men stuffed with the huff and puff of their own superior moral worth will strut their stuff like scarecrows in the farmyards of their own safe democracies railing and jabbing their wooden fingers. Will you see them in Tenemen Square or Red Square Moscow bleeting their cliched outrage at human rights abuses? No the looney left have two blind buttons for eyes one for the old comrades and one for the new underdog Islam. Only if a crime is commited by the USA does it get noticed by them. The millions of people oppressed and damaged by despotic regimes in Russia and China are no concern of theirs. They save their rhetoric and outrage for the actions of Uncle Sam. He is an easier target a safer target you can slap his face and the herd of independant mindswill applaude you. Ask them to put their hands in their pockets to help those "oppressed by the USA" or go and lend a hand to those "oppressed by the USA" and you find out that their idea of politic involvement is simply to have an opinion and that opinion is usually not their own but moulded by the left liberal press. It has no practical expression other than a self rightiouse balk. The looney left are not the Maoist or Peoples War or communist parties of India or other developing or developed nations. I respect those activists though I personally do not support violent armed insurrection but democratic means for change. The looney left are soft toys of a capitalist half educate class fed on the fruits of colonial and imperial spoils sat in comfortable armchairs they fill their nappies with bleating for the rights of those they economically oppress. Ask them to offer a part of their own lives to sharing wealth or working towards a more collective vision for mankind and few of them will respond. The Yankee is to blame they have nothing to do but sit on their comfortable backsides and call for "Amerika" to withdraw. The Independant told them so the Guardian was right. But they are actually the anarchist right masquerading in Che Guevara berets at the final carnival run by the deluded west. The posers will scatter and cry foul play and peace brother when the poor finally take to the streets and crush liberal left pantomime.

What is my idea of an artist

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friends become Critics

Artist's are solitary beings. They thrive alone in studios and rooms. Quietly pushing paint into odd shapes scratching marks with sticks of chalk, lead pencils or pens. Unless that is their critics have managed to invade their solitude and upset their creative spirit. If they are friends even worse fellow artists too the hurt and frustration is even more irritatingly wounding. The fertile imaginative mind is unsettled pitched into the everyday habit of common squabbling mankind. The old rivalries and loves the artist's friends once shared now cast an ominous grotesque shadow on the neglected canvas. The symbiosis of youth has become in old age a Laocoon of writhing snakes. The page is spoilt the ink has dried up phone calls and comments are unwelcome. The friend has become a negative critic sniping from the backseat of past confidences. On life's long journey the friend next to you has become a pecking demonic bird pushing us from the nest of early trust into the road . Settling hidden grievances expressing malice rubbing out the old soft sketches of previous lives together with the mouth grinding circle of the acrid strokes and bitter tongue their true shabby nature is revealed. That seems to be the fate of all small men's idea of other larger men in history. In their ruthless search for self meaning friend's must be exposed and giants cut down at the knees no saints will be fashioned here but we will all go down in the mud of failure with the inevitable thud of silence with a dwarf towering over them. Or that is the small man's hope. The artist after all is like all men he bleeds if you cut him he hurts if you abuse him but he dies if you criticise him.
I have always been the best judge of my own work and the direction it should take. That does not mean that I have not made bad pictures or gone off the true path of my divine vocation. I have seen my past work at times to be sickly sweet or pretentious or crude. That is all part of developing skills and growing as we all humans do hopefully getting a little wiser and gaining experienced on the way. I can forgive myself but not my unsolicited critic. What business is it of anyone what I do? Unless it is a commission they are paying for or they are that rare being a skilled person and "the experienced teacher". If we have elevated someone to the position of judge we risk good or bad useful or useless comments. It is best to keep your own council with regard to your own work that is my experience. I have my inner guide and teacher my instinct and my fate. What need have I for the average comment of smaller men? The artist is often like Marseyus flayed alive by small people for his presumption of being what God gave him but worse still by his own opinion of himself . It is the knife welded by the greatest tyrant ourselves. This we really must avoid. But if we are truly happy with ourselves accepting of our limitations and working from inner necessity then we can know our own greatness. Those who cannot see our endeavours as connecting to our own spirit and life story are simply out of touch. They are ignorant blind men. They can be excused but if they are intent on venting their own frustrations on us and express a hidden jealousy we are better travelling alone than with a malicious fool.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hypocracy Power Politicians and the Law on Ass

I ask myself sometimes "where does evil comes from?
I have thought there's a personified power of evil, but I am ultimately very skeptical that there is something external to men or women such as a winged fallen angel like Satan. And I don't think God is the source of evil if there's no Satan. I think the primary source of evil is the social structures that human beings create in their own interests. I would like to stop paying for female and male politicians who wish to impose a law that will benefit their deluded sense of morality but drive poorer women into unsafe situations and criminalize yet more people.

The Hero Wears Monk's Robes

Institutional Buddhism in Burma had ignored the inequalities and tyrannies of the political system it found itself under. This death of compassion was not Buddhism Wisdom it felt no pain. The majority of Burmese Buddhists know today they cannot afford to be innocent, or indulge their pursuit of personal liberation in ignorance of the nature of contemporary governments, politics and social orders. The monks rose up and protested on behalf of the oppressed people of Burma. The monks come from the people and they return to the people.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My visit to Burma and Thailand March 2008

This is one of my drawings of a Burmese monk that I met at the Shwedagon Pagoda in the Return Buddha Image temple in1995. The last time I was here in 2007 I remember being asked by a Burmese Buddhist if Buddhism was a useful or meaningful faith. I answered that it was a rational and effective belief that could benefit many, that it would be or should be known throughout the world. He and the other people standing nearby smiled broadly. Little did I know that by the end of the year Burmese Buddhists monks would be know all over the world due to their courageous self sacrifice during days of protest in support of democracy . They were brutally suppressed by the military dictatorship of Burma/Myanmar.
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